The NSC Tournament Home page

The control centre of an NSC online tournament:

Each NSC online tournament has a dedicated home page where players and observers can access everything they need for the event.

The elements on an NSC Tournament Home Page:

  1. The tournament header
  2. Tournament information
  3. Announcements
  4. The Player list Tab
  5. The Pairings Tab
  6. The Standings Tab
  7. The Crosstable Tab

1. The Tournament header

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This is the area across the top of the page

  • In the centre is the NSC logo (which is a link to the NSC home page) and the name of the tournament
  • The Email icon - lets you get in touch with the tournament organiser. The email is monitored at all times during the tournament.
  • The Info icon - Click on this to get a dialog with help links and Tips
  • The notification icon - The tournament page can play a sound to alert you whenever a new round is up. This is handy for a player who finishes their game early and may not notice the next round starting because they are doing something else. The sound notification will prompt them to come back to the tournament page and play their next game. The notification icon indicates whether the "New Round" sound is set to on or off
    Please note: Currently this feature is only tested in Chrome.

2. The Tournament info section

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In this section, you can find the following:

  • Start time and end time of the tournament
  • Refresh information During the auto-refresh period of a tournament, the tournament page will auto-refresh every 2 minutes. You will see when the page was last refreshed and when the next auto-refresh will happen. You can also choose to manually refresh using the "Refresh Now" button. The auto-refresh period of a tournament is from 15 minutes before the start time to 30 minutes after the end time. Auto-refresh is disabled outside of this time and the "Refresh Now" button should be used.

3. The Announcements

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The Announcements section contains any communications the organiser may wish to make to players and spectators.

An indication of when the announcment was made is shown at the start of each announcement, with the latest announcements appearing at the top of the panel. Fresh announcements that are newer than 10 minutes are highlighted in purple

4. The Player list Tab

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The Player List tab containing the list of registered players for the event.

  • For school tournaments, student surnames are initialised. We do not publish student full names with school information on the Internet.
  • The player's Lichess username is also displayed. This helps you verify that you are playing the correct player on Lichess.
  • Re-ordering the list of players: Click on the heading of a column to order the player's list by the chosen column. Available columns may vary for different tournaments
  • Highlighting players: In the Players list, you can click on the name of one or more players to highlight and follow them. Pairings containing highlighted players are displayed at the top in The Pairings Tab, for quick access to the player's own games or games of players that an observer is following. To unfollow a player, click on the highlighted name to cancel the highlight.
  • Player's score card: Where a player's name appears anywhere in the NSC Tournament Home Page, a blue ID Card icon next to the player's name will display the score card of the player.

5. The Pairing Tab - round by round information

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This is the main part of the tournament page. It contains round by round pairing information and the links to all the Lichess games for the round.

  • Round selection: Below the view selection bar is the round selection controls. You can move between the rounds using "Prev" (previous round) and "Next" (next round). You can jump to the latest round using "Latest".
  • Highlighting players: In the Pairings view, you can click on the name of one or more players to highlight and follow them. Pairings containing highlighted players are displayed at the top above the full list of pairings, for quick access to the player's own games or games of players that an observer is following. To unfollow a player, click on the highlighted name to cancel the highlight.
  • Player's score card: Where a player's name appears anywhere in the NSC Tournament Home Page, a blue ID Card icon next to the player's name will display the score card of the player.
  • Pairings view
    1. Highlighted Players' games If one or more players have been highlighted, the pairings of these highlighted players will be displayed in this section. This allows quick access to the pairings, results, and Lichess games of highlighted players. This is useful for players to find their own games quickly at the start of round, by highlighting their own name. Pairings containing games of other followed players will also appear here.
    2. All games: This section contains the full list of pairings and their corresponding Lichess game links in table number order.
  • Find your game, start playing!
    The easiest way to quickly find your game each round is to highlight your own name. The pairing with your game will appear at the top of your Pairings view under Highlighted Players' games

    When you click any of the Lichess game links appearing in the Pairings view, the game of the chosen pair opens up in Lichess. If you are signed in to Lichess on the same computer/mobile device, and you are one of the players in the pair, then you are put in playing mode where you can make moves and play the game against your opponent. If you are not signed in to Lichess or you are not one of the players in the pair, then you can watch the game being played live as the players make their moves. (If the game has finished, you can play through the moves). Spectators do not need a Lichess account to watch games.

6. The Standings Tab - round by round information

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The Standings Tab contains round by round standing information, showing players scores and tie-break scores used during the tournament

  • Round selection: Below the view selection bar is the round selection controls. You can move between the rounds using "Prev" (previous round) and "Next" (next round). You can jump to the latest round using "Latest".
  • Highlighting players: In this view, you can click on the name of one or more players to highlight and follow them. Pairings containing highlighted players are displayed at the top in The Pairings Tab, for quick access to the player's own games or games of players that an observer is following. To unfollow a player, click on the highlighted name to cancel the highlight.
  • Player's score card: Where a player's name appears anywhere in the NSC Tournament Home Page, a blue ID Card icon next to the player's name will display the score card of the player.

7. The Crosstable Tab

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This tab contains the full crosstable of the tournament, in standing order. It shows the players opponents, the player's colour and the result each round.

  • Highlighting players: In this view, you can click on the name of one or more players to highlight and follow them. Pairings containing highlighted players are displayed at the top in The Pairings Tab, for quick access to the player's own games or games of players that an observer is following. To unfollow a player, click on the highlighted name to cancel the highlight.
  • Player's score card: Where a player's name appears anywhere in the NSC Tournament Home Page, a blue ID Card icon next to the player's name will display the score card of the player.